The new cross-city line of Appenzeller Bahnen AG connects the freight station of the city of St. Gallen with Riethüsli over a distance of approx. 2.5km. The centerpiece - executed by ARGE TransRuck - is the 735m long single-track Ruckhaldetunnel.
735 Meter long railroad tunnel
40 Million CHF
The inner-city tunnel was excavated with a gradient of 8% over a distance of 292m by blasting and over 340m by loose rock driving. The two portals are followed by an cut-and-cover tunnel in the north (L = 63m) and in the south (L = 40m) using the cut-and-cover method.
Special feature: The tunnel section in the rock was secured with a rain screen sealing and shotcrete inner lining. In the loose rock, the inner lining was provided with a single-layer sealing in the transition area to the groundwater. The tunnel section, which is completely below groundwater level, was lined with a double-layer, pressurized-water-tight, planar post-injectable waterproofing system (P+I) and reinforced inner lining.
Special feature: The tunnel section in the rock was secured with a rain screen sealing and shotcrete inner lining. In the loose rock, the inner lining was provided with a single-layer sealing in the transition area to the groundwater. The tunnel section, which is completely below groundwater level, was lined with a double-layer, pressurized-water-tight, planar post-injectable waterproofing system (P+I) and reinforced inner lining.