
Partial renewal Versasca tunnel

The single-track Versasca tunnel of the Rhaetian Railway, which went into operation in 1903, is located approximately in the middle of the Sils im Domleschg and Solis section of the railway line between Thusis and Tiefencastel and has a total length of 698 meters. The horseshoe-shaped standard profile has a cross-section of 21.25m2.

  • 698 Meter long railroad tunnel
  • 6.5 Million CHF
As part of the construction work, the tunnel section in the area of the Solis portal will be widened conventionally over a length of 20 meters under railway operation and the new tracks will be installed on concrete base plates in the enlarged clearance profile.

The heavyweight wall on the uphill side and the Solis portal will be demolished and rebuilt with natural stone cladding. Construction work will be carried out during breaks in railway operations at night and during the day in weekly shifts.
A total closure is planned for the installation of the base slab.

Two construction seasons over 18 months are planned for the realisation, whereby railway operations will be fully maintained during the winter construction breaks.
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